Revolution of Voice: Free Book

You’re a coach, speaker, novelist, or other agent of change, and you’re feeling the call to write a book. Where do you begin? No longer can the global narrative be held in the hands of a few. It’s time to step up, and help shift the story to one of healing. Now more than ever, […]

Creating Dynamic Characters

For those of you who have read my second novel, AIR, you may recognize this painting. After reading the second novel in the Elemental Journey Series, Massachusetts’ artist Gay Tracy (, felt compelled to paint Usui, the Jesuit missionary who becomes a friend and a mentor to Pearl, the protagonist. In this scene, the homeless […]

“Who Do You Think You Are?” The Top 5 Blocks For Writers

The book coaching process, especially at the beginning, can be a very safe space. The coach is there to nurture the new writer, to allow experimentation, offer inspiration, provide support, and pass on constructive advice. We aim to OPEN the writer, and that only happens with unconditional love for the person and the creative process. […]

Outside the Lines, October, 2016

Entering month 10 of the painting a day series, Outside the Lines, I was completely burnt out.  I couldn’t conjure up the energy to come up with ideas every day for a painting, let alone execute one. It was made even more difficult by the fact that I’m writing my third novel,  FIRE, and am so deeply […]

January Literary Reading, Seattle

We may feel called to step up to the plate to create change, but how? What is an “authentic calling” in an upside-down world? Is finding such a path more difficult in this radically shifting climate? Is it more essential? What role can mysticism and spirit play in helping us align to a higher calling?

Writer’s Block: When Abuse is Used to Stop the Voice

I am in my counselor’s office in Portland, a pretty room on the top floor of a house. The slanted ceiling reminds me of my childhood room. You know how when some therapists do inner child work, they put a chair across from you and have you talk to your inner little girl? Well, I am having […]

Writing a Book through Channeling

The Visconti Sforza Moon tarot card. What would happen if you combined novel, memoir or screenplay writing with psychic channeling? Could you psychically vibe your protagonist to get down to the core of his or her belief system? Could you channel a plot? Don’t many famous writers say that they feel like they’re “channeling” when […]

February Writing Workshop: Creative Writing 101 E-Course

Enrollment Now Open! Explore your Personal Mythology. Align with your higher creativity. Excavate your authentic voice.  Life-changing. Unique. Profound. Moving. These are just some of the words used to describe the radical writing e-course, Creative Writing 101. Now open for enrollment for a workshop beginning February 6th, this is a seven-week course taken from the privacy of your […]

How to write: Bless the Beasts

  This Little Piggy, painting in progress,   I’m feeling called to write about an artistic healing I’ve been going through. I’d rather not share something so personal, but the universe is asking me to. I think the idea is that if you see what one artist/writer goes through, perhaps you’ll be better able […]

Writing and Psychic Channeling

    What would happen if you combined novel, memoir or screenplay writing with psychic channeling? Could you psychically explore your protagonist to get down to the core of his or her belief system? Could you channel a plot? Don’t many famous writers say that they feel like they’re “channeling” when they write, with information […]