Free book: Writers working in English as a Second Language

At Art of Storytelling we are passionate about diversity of voice. We work with writers of different nationalities, races, and ethnicities across the globe, and help them tell their stories. We’ve created this FREE BOOK: #Write: The Four Stages of Writing a Book for Writers Working in English as a Second Language. Sign up and […]

Our Lives as Art

Do you use your own life in your art? My books in the Elemental Journey series are semi-autobiographical. I’ve always felt I was trying to convey not just my life, but also the epic journey of all of our lives.

Creating Dynamic Characters

For those of you who have read my second novel, AIR, you may recognize this painting. After reading the second novel in the Elemental Journey Series, Massachusetts’ artist Gay Tracy (, felt compelled to paint Usui, the Jesuit missionary who becomes a friend and a mentor to Pearl, the protagonist. In this scene, the homeless […]

Writing and Diversity – The Hague

With clients from all areas of the globe, different nationalities, different ethnicities, both genders, all sexual preferences, and most socio-economic groups, Art of Storytelling’s founder Caroline Allen is proud to be co-presenting a literary event at The Hague in the Netherlands in March. Not only have we delved into the creativity of people from most […]

“Who Do You Think You Are?” The Top 5 Blocks For Writers

The book coaching process, especially at the beginning, can be a very safe space. The coach is there to nurture the new writer, to allow experimentation, offer inspiration, provide support, and pass on constructive advice. We aim to OPEN the writer, and that only happens with unconditional love for the person and the creative process. […]

Writer’s Block: When Abuse is Used to Stop the Voice

I am in my counselor’s office in Portland, a pretty room on the top floor of a house. The slanted ceiling reminds me of my childhood room. You know how when some therapists do inner child work, they put a chair across from you and have you talk to your inner little girl? Well, I am having […]

Writing a Book through Channeling

The Visconti Sforza Moon tarot card. What would happen if you combined novel, memoir or screenplay writing with psychic channeling? Could you psychically vibe your protagonist to get down to the core of his or her belief system? Could you channel a plot? Don’t many famous writers say that they feel like they’re “channeling” when […]

Writing the Expat Novel

Assisi, Italy,   I’m working on a series of four novels, EARTH, AIR, FIRE and WATER, two of which are expat novels (stories set in foreign countries). In EARTH, my protagonist is rooted to a farm in America. In AIR, she floats above the culture in the Orient. In FIRE, her ego is burned […]

A Revolution of Voice

What do the Arab Spring, recent protests in Turkey, Egypt and Brazil and the Occupy movement have to do with you as a writer?  What significance do these revolutionary waves of protests across the globe have to the basics of storytelling in the world? Writ large on the world stage is the voice of change, […]