Our Lives as Art

Do you use your own life in your art? My books in the Elemental Journey series are semi-autobiographical. I’ve always felt I was trying to convey not just my life, but also the epic journey of all of our lives.

Support Art and Win an Original Painting

RAW: Savor is hosting a major art event in Portland, November 15th. Three bands, filmmakers, performance artists and dozens of visual artists will converge on the Roseland Theatre. Every artist is tasked with selling 20 tickets at $22 each. To friends scattered around the world who cannot make the event, please consider purchasing a raffle […]

Support Art and Win an Original Painting

RAW: Savor is hosting a major art event in Portland, November 15th. Three bands, filmmakers, performance artists and dozens of visual artists will converge on the Roseland Theatre. Every artist is tasked with selling 20 tickets at $22 each. To friends scattered around the world who cannot make the event, please consider purchasing a raffle […]

Writing a Book in English When English Isn’t Your Native Tongue: Top 5 Issues

At Art of Storytelling, we work with dozens of writers all over the world who are writing novels, memoir and self-help books in English, when English is their second, third or even fourth language. Many international book authors are eager to write in English because they believe having a major American publisher will mean more credibility and a level […]

Women Artists and Success: The Top 5 Challenges

Women have been trained for many centuries to keep quiet, and be the behind-the-scenes support for others. When we have any kind of personal success it’s a game-changer. When that success appears in the Arts, where we are expressing our truth, and beauty and putting our souls out into the world, then our success becomes nothing short […]

You’re Not Alone

You feel crazy. Something’s not right. Things aren’t working like they’re supposed to. You can FEEL that something is amiss. What is it? Besides being a book coach, I am also a metaphysical coach and do readings where I channel for people all over the world. In the past month, again and again people have sought […]

Healing the He(art)

You know you’re gifted, right? You can feel it in your bones. You’re an artist of some kind, and you can access it to some degree, but the level of the real power of your gift seems to be just out of reach. I am fascinated with the creative process, with how we get better […]