Visualizing Protection

Marie is a massage therapist and energy worker based in New Mexico who has come to me for tarot readings for years.

“I’m having these unusual dark thoughts,” she told me during a recent reading. “Of course, I have negative thoughts from time to time, but these are different. Invasive. And not really at all like the way I think.”

Susan is a visual artist in New England who I’ve been reading for for nearly 20 years. Her question is similar to Marie’s. “I’m just not in the positive place right now. My thoughts are so dark. Usually, when I paint it shifts it, but not this time.”

When I throw cards for both women, the same card comes up. It’s a card that’s been coming up for many people lately – the Devil.

Its message: There is a collective darkness. Highly sensitive people are tapping into it. It’s like a heavy cloud that hangs over the nation, and the world.

My next question: “How do we shift this?”

What comes up for Marie and Susan is psychic self protection. I share with them, and I’m sharing here, the visualizations I use daily to self-protect. Please note that two decades ago when I started this path, I did these visualizations daily for three months before I noticed a difference. You’ll have to keep working on this before you’ll see the benefits.

White light

This is the visualization you’ll come across most often online and at spiritual workshops and conferences.

Imagine white light streaming from the universe through the top of your head. This is dynamic light, full of energy and movement. Imagine the light first filling your head, then your chest, arms, hands, fingers, your torso, hips, thighs, calves, feet and toes. Now imagine you’re so filled up with white light that it spills from the top of your head and falls over the top of your body, and as it spills it turns into a chain-mail armor. Imagine it clearly covering every part of your body, all the way to the bottom of your feet. This white light armor lets in the good, but keeps out the bad.

Shut down the chakras

I was given this one by an energy healer/teacher I ran into at a metaphysical shop in Fremont in Seattle. I worried that shutting down my chakras would make me less psychic but that hasn’t happened at all. Watch as you shut them down where you find some resistance. Then google that chakra to see if you might not find a message about what’s going on for you.

Start with the Crown Chakra at the top of your head. Imagine closing a door on the chakra and locking it. I use a round submarine door, and imagine a whoosh as it seals and locks, and then twist the big round handle to completely secure it. You can imagine any door. Now go to the Third Eye and do the same. The Throat, the Heart, the Solar Plexus, the Belly, the Base Chakra. Imagine closing the door on each of these chakras.

Dark Blue Crystal

Visualize yourself stepping into a dark blue crystal. It’s so dark, it’s almost black. The crystal closes around you.

Shamanic protection

I love this one because it uses characters and animals. It’s creative like writing fiction. Read Sandra Ingerman if you’re interested in going more deeply into shamanism.

Create and visualize animals and people who stand around you as protectors. Visualize animals and others above, below, and around you, acting as protection. Use all of your senses until you can touch, and smell, and hear them, as you do the visualization. Mine are an eagle above my head, an elephant behind me, a giraffe to my right, a massive sunflower to my left, a turtle beneath my feet, and a beautiful woman holding up a stunning tapestry to hide me in front of me. Visualize them and call on them when you need protection.

Call in the Circus

Sometimes, my protector guides are so dynamic that it attracts too many people to me. When this happens, I employ my “circus tent”. Imagine a massive red and white circus tent flying in and covering your Shamanic Protectors as described in No. 4.  For a while, I added mirrors to the outside of the tent, so that any energy coming at me would be deflected back at the person harboring the dark thoughts. I had problems with this. People would react so strongly to seeing themselves reflected back to them that it caused more problems than it was worth. When I took the mirrors off the tent, the problem was resolved.

Barbed Wire

Use this as a last resort when you’re really feeling psychically threatened. I wouldn’t recommend using this in normal circumstances because it can keep everyone away from you.

Imagine you’re in the most peaceful and beautiful place. You’re surrounded by nature, water and trees and the weather is perfect. Giving yourself enough space in this idyllic setting, imagine a barbed wire fence surrounding your “property”. Imagine the barbs, feel them. Construct the fence so it circles you completely. Imagine a locked gate. Know that the gate will open for loving people and energies, but the gate and fencing will keep out all of the darkness.

Feeling particularly overwhelmed right now? Try doing all six of the above in a row. I do all six of these at least three to four times a day. Especially for psychics who are actively working with clients right now, we have to be particularly careful.

Good luck. If you know of another good psychic protection visualization, please share it by emailing me or in the comments.

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